

Design & Development


06 Jan 2019


12 Sep 2019



A modern solution for better benefits.

Lumity, a company that scales employee benefits, contacted us to rebuild their website and setup a control panel to manage their blogs, events, videos and other dynamic data. After the interview and brain storming process, we started putting together wireframes to showcase the UX/UI experience for the frontend and control panel.


We came up with a design that
mirrored their current platform.

Since Lumity already had an established brand, we didn’t need to come up with a color scheme or typography. Lumity wanted us to design a control panel experience that was similar to their current customer portal.


Orqid delivered our website rebranding project on time and on budget. They are responsive, highly skilled, and I continue to rely on them to keep our site tuned and whenever we need an update.

Tracy H.


The design and development was
straightforward and synchronized.

We developed the site in PHP and used Laravel as a framework. The frontend was designed responsively and we used motion graphics on each page. In order to avoid multiple 404 errors, we matched our URLs and setup 301 redirects.


Our client and their customers were
thrilled with the new site.

The site not only had a fresh and modern look, but the speed in loading time increased about 300%. The launch went off without a hitch and we eventually went back to perform another update to the site. Our client was impressed with our work.


Development Hours


Design Hours



About Lumity

Driven by data, powered by people, and customized for your culture.

Lumity specializes in helping companies cost-effectively scale and upgrade their benefits. The company started in 2014 when the founders were frustrated with how complicated it was to navigate health insurance from the employee side. So they channeled their frustration into founding a new company that provides an end-to-end benefits solution.

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